Legal Advice


CIF: B-25611542
Carrer de Filadors, 15
25200 Cervera
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In accordance with the Law 34/2002 of the Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce of Spain, we inform you that this website is the property of Ctrl4 Enviro, S.L. For any query or suggestion, please contact us by e-mail at Should the user not agree to the here defined conditions of use, he or she should refrain from using and operating through the website. On our Website we offer information about Ctrl4 Enviro, S.L, and our products and services, without this implying any professional, commercial or employment relationship with the user.

We reserve the right at any time to modify the presentation and configuration of our Website and even remove it from the Network, together with the services and content provided, all unilaterally and without prior warning.


All the content, texts and images, excepting those with an specified owner, present on our website are property of Ctrl4 Enviro, S.L and are protected by Intellectual and Industrial Property rights.

The user only has the right to a private use of the same, and requires the express authority of Ctrl4 Enviro, S.L to modify, reproduce, exploit, distribute and especially market them, or make use of any right belonging to their titleholder.

Ctrl4 Enviro logo and ‘Blue Snow’ drawing was a courtesy by Marta Carbonell, Snowy mountain images are property of Ignasi Canela Gomà. Drawings by Ton Granell, Barcelona’s panoramic is a Creative Commons courtesy by Barcelona Skyline


We use cookies for the following purpose: to enable certain functions of the Service, to provide analytics, to store your preferences. This information is used only for statistical analysis and then the information is permanently deleted.

You can remove cookies at any time from your computer. However cookies help to provide a better service of the websites. You are not giving access to information on your computer or you, unless you want it and give it directly. You can accept or deny the use of cookies, however most browsers automatically accept cookies as it serves to have a better web service.


Our wish, in making this website available to the user, is to offer him or her a series of quality services and content, applying as great a diligence in the providing of services as in the technological means employed. However, we cannot be held responsible for the presence of viruses or other elements which might in any way damage the user’s computer system, documents and files.

Ctrl4 Enviro, S.L does not guarantee the exactitude, veracity or validity of the content of this website, be they its own, that of third parties or linked to other websites, and absolves itself completely from any responsibility deriving from the use of the same.

Ctrl4 Enviro, S.L does not guarantee the correct functioning regarding the availability or continuity of our website. As far as it is possible, we shall attempt to inform the user of any interruption in the service and to rectify it as quickly as possible. However, Ctrl4 Enviro, S.L absolves itself of any responsibility deriving from the incorrect functioning of or interruptions to our website.

The user assumes all responsibilities deriving from the use of our website, being the sole person responsible for all direct or indirect effects deriving from the website, including, in an expository and non-limiting way, all economic, technical and/or legal adversity, as well as the disappointing of any hopes created by our website, obliging the user to indemnify Ctrl4 Enviro, S.L for any claims deriving, directly or indirectly, from such events.

All matters concerning our website are governed exclusively by Spanish law. Should any discrepancy or difference arise between parties with regard to the interpretation and content of this website, all parties shall submit, with express renouncing of any other jurisdiction, to the Courts.